Tuesday, August 2, 2016

And They're OFF!

As I write, hundreds of boxes of cards are flying to all corners of the globe, spreading the word about food forests and, hopefully, inspiring new projects on the ground.

If you supported this project through Kickstarter, your cards should be arriving soon.  There were a few supporters who did not send me their addresses. They should feel free to contact me through Kickstarter so that I can get their thank you gifts into the mail.

I will be taking the month of August to recuperate before launching the cards to the general public, through this website and through retail locations.  So, if you know of a museum store, botanical garden, nursery, farm stand or gift shop that might be interested in carrying these cards, please direct them to this website in early September. If you have friends who missed out on the Kickstarter campaign, please let them know that the cards will be available after my vacation.

Thanks again to my hundreds of supporters and friends who made this project possible. We would be nowhere without you!
